Prior Endorsement process and permits of the Tourism Company

There are three agencies responsible for the permitting process:

The Planning Board, the ARPE (Regulations and Permits Administration) and the autonomous municipalities.

Currently all projects must prepare an environmental document (environmental assessment or environmental impact statement, depending on the environmental impact) that is approved by the Environmental Quality Board.

The Planning Office of the Tourism Company of Puerto Rico (PRTC) is the unit within the PRTC responsible for assessment and endorsement process in the permitting process and construction of tourism projects as defined in the Tourism Development Act of Puerto Rico and the Rules of Hospitality Minimum Requirements of PR.

The Act and Regulations contain definitions of all types of tourism facilities in Puerto Rico, such as guest house, hotel, tourist villas, condo hotel, golf course, marinas, theme parks, etc.).

Tourism Endorsement process-PRTC

As part of the ongoing process of endorsement of tourism projects:

1. The PRTC receives from regulatory agencies (ARPE, Planning Board) the application for endorsement.

2. The Planning group of the PRTC (which consists of professional planners, engineers and architects) evaluates the proposals received based on the provisions of Rules of Minimum Requirements and the Tourism Development Act:
* Assessment: explanatory memorial, plans, aerial photos, etc..
* Environmental Assessment

3. Lastly, the Director of Planning of the PRTC signs the endorsements.

Permit Fast Track Process of the Government of Puerto Rico:

In January 2010 the government of Puerto Rico approved a new law to expedite the permit process in order to promote economic development.

1. This Act creates a new sole Office of Permits and a set of regulations.


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